Monday, January 23, 2012

MMM: Dragons and Ghosts

Good morning everyone. I'm trying to start the week off right and one way to do that is by actually posting a Monday Mood Music selection. Another way to start off on the right foot it to jam on new music to keep the mind limber. It doesn't get much newer than the latest single from Ingrid Michaelson whose new album, Human Again, releases tomorrow. There's isn't an official video of her first single Ghost as of yet, but I hope you enjoy the tune nonetheless.

Ingrid Michaelson - Ghost

And on a completely different note, Happy Chinese New Year!

Large Association of Movie Blogs


  1. Excellent choice. I hope the new album means a tour is in the works.

  2. Thanks. She already has a tour scheduled. Unfortunately she's bypassing the triangle in favor of Charlotte w/ no room for adding a date for us. :-( Guess we might be planning a trip.
