Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dammit Jim! 2: The Wrath of McCoy!

Just when

you thought

it was safe!

A little over two months ago, the doctors lured me into a world of slicing, dicing and drug-induced happiness to help remedy some chronic issues. Since that time, I have clawed my way back to normalcy, and to regular posting at the Whore.

The doctors think I am doing so well that I should come back to let them finish the job they started. As such, the site will auto-update beginning Monday and most likely continue for two weeks.

Like before, any posts made during this time will be marked by the auto-pilot heading. Don't think the Whore doesn't appreciate any comments you make during this time; just know it may be a while before I respond.

Also, when you stop by, don't forget to vote on this month's poll; I want to know "How will The Spirit move you?" In other words, what do you anticipate your reaction to be when you see The Spirit?

Large Association of Movie Blogs

1 comment:

  1. Let's hope your back tanned, rested and ready before Stardate 237.65.87.

