Wednesday, March 24, 2010

R.I.P. Greatest American Buddy

Whoa. If you haven't already heard the terrible news, Robert Culp died today at the age of 79. I will always remember him fondly as Agent Bill Maxwell, the yin to Ralph Hinkley's yang on the 80's TV series Greatest American Hero. This role was but one of over a one-hundred and sixty he played in his fifty-seven year career as an actor. Details about his body of work and his untimely passing can be read here.

Robert Culp
August 16, 1930 - March 24, 2010

Sir, you will be missed.

Large Association of Movie Blogs


  1. How sad - I hadn't even heard until just now. He always seemed like a genuinely nice guy. I'm glad you spotlighted his passing.

  2. I'm surprised not many other bloggers mentioned it. He was an icon of my youth.
