Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Suckiest Punch
Release: 03.25.11
Rated PG-13
1 hour, 49 minutes
A Netflix Night
After her mother's death, a young woman (Emily Browning, The Uninvited) is carted off to a mental institution by her stepfather. Once there, Baby Doll imagines she and her fellow inmates are being held captive in some sort of brothel/halfway house for runaway girls. The headliner, Sweet Pea (Abbie Cornish, Limitless), doesn't take to Baby Doll the way her sister Rocket (Jena Malone, The Ruins) does. When Amber (Jamie Chung, Dragonball: Evolution) and Blondie (Vanessa Hudgens, Bandslam) hear Baby Doll has a plan to escape before the High Roller (Jon Hamm, The Town) arrives in five days, Sweet Pea reluctantly joins them. For her plan to work, the women have to procure four items from their captor Blue (Oscar Isaac, Robin Hood) and his men, which they do while Baby Doll mesmerizes them with her dancing. As Baby Doll sways to the music, she dreams she and the girls are instructed by a Wise Man (Scott Glenn, Training Day) to conquer a series of nightmarish realms to retrieve these precious items.
That was kinda shit.
I never expected Sucker Punch to be revolutionary, but I didn't anticipate wanting to repeatedly punch myself in the face for paying to see it. I defended director Zack Snyder (Dawn of the Dead) for both 300 and Watchmen. Save for that one excruciatingly ridiculous Hallelujah sex scene, Watchmen was a pretty awesome film. Sucker Punch, however, felt like I was watching that scene on a continuous loop. Also, weeeee... dooooon't... neeeeed... tooooo... seeeeee... evvvvv... errrrry... scennnnne... annnnnd... pllllllot... poooooint... innnnn... slooooow... mooooo... tionnnnnn. Baby Doll explains to her sisters-in-satin that she needs to acquire a map, fire, a knife and a key to escape so why bother telegraphing their importance to audiences using slow motion? Maybe Snyder thought viewers are too dense to follow his needlessly complex story.
Baby Doll's first battle against the giant samurai is thrilling as is the rush-through-the-trenches sequence that follows. Snyder's use of exploding light and escaping steam to limit the bloodshed is clever, but had he wanted this film to have better theatrical legs, it needed to be rated R. And, by the by, why does Sweet Pea carry a sword if she never fucking uses it?!
The Money Shot
Zack Snyder has said, "It's difficult to find a movie that feels true to itself. You feel the hand of Hollywood, the moviemaking by committee, on everything." Yes, a good amount of Hollywood fare is by-committee bullshit, but you, sir, needed others to keep your ego in check with Sucker Punch. If it were up to me, I'd snatch Superman: Man of Steel out from Snyder's hands without hesitation. I guess the announcement that Amy Adams will play Lois Lane conveniently overshadows this colossal fuck up.
MMM: I'd Watch That For a Dollar
Can you believe March is drawing to a close? I had such high hopes for the month, and unless I can somehow wave a magic wand; it looks like April is going to be doubly-packed with to dos. It's also in the 30s and sleeting today, so not much incentive to turn over a productive leaf.
It is good movie-watching weather. I watched three films over the weekend, none of which blew me away and at least one of which just blew. More on that later. I really dug the music in Limitless; this week's selection is from the soundtrack. Ironically, the music video from the Ohio-born blues duo of Dan Auerbach and Patrick Carney, aka The Black Keys, is itself a short film along the lines of Machete and El Mariachi. Watching Howlin For You helped restore my faith that I could watch sexy, scantily-clad chicks kick ass and not become physically ill. A strange concern for the Reel Whore, I know, but had you been subjected to the shit I was over the weekend, you would understand. Without further delay, I leave you to ogle Tricia Helfer and groove to this funky tune.
Is it just me or does Dan Auerbach kinda look like Jon Hamm underneath that 'stache?
Friday, March 25, 2011
Trailer Trash: The March 25th Quickie
I can't believe it's already Friday! At one point this week seemed to be moving in reverse; now if the weekend would only move as slowly so I can catch up on some good theater. We've got two new releases going head to head against the NCAA tournament according to IMDb.Shall we?
Sucker Punch My best guess is Zack Snyder had one helluva wet dream over Mia Wallace's Fox Force Five in Pulp Fiction and, years later, Sucker Punch was born. Visually, our eyeballs will explode from the sensory smorgasbord, but I get the feeling it'll be one complex, confusing-ass story to follow. I expect Abbie Cornish will steal the show with her big A sword, and this is coming from the guy going mainly to see Carla Gugino work that corset.
Verdict: Moist With Antici...Pation!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules I was interested in seeing the first installment of the Wimpy Kid's adventures, but never got around to it. Apparently, it must have a Twilight level of appeal given they've cranked out a sequel almost exactly one year later. This one looks equally silly, but will probably be less enjoyable. I'd say I'd go see it, but I'll just wait another year to see if they'll crank out the remaining three books in a four-film installment.
Verdict: It's Friday, I Don't Want to be Alone.
This weekend promises wet and dreary weather in my area. Perfect for catching some quality theater time. Have a good one!
Monday, March 21, 2011
MMM: Run Kids Run
Morning stargazers. I caught this catchy little ditty on the way into work this morning. The song has risen to decent heights on both the Rock and Alt Rock charts in this year. Not a bad start for the three-man indie rock band, Foster the People. Keep the good stuff coming fellas.
Compared to the video, it's a dreary Monday here. I'm going to keep my head low and hope for sunnier skies tomorrow.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Trailer Trash: The March 18th Quickie
Another week has flown by and all this blog has to show for it is a Monday Mood Music and now this Trailer Trash. I had the best of blogging intentions this week, but intentions don't write posts apparently. Maybe now that my allergies are under control, I can get on top of my homework assignments and actually have time at night to write about all the new releases I've seen lately.
For now you will have to settle for my take on this week's latest set of new releases. Skimming over them I am surprised to find that, on the whole, they don't suck nearly as hard as those from past weeks. Too bad they will be up against the NCAA tournament. Here's the three major releases according to IMDb that will lose out to March Madness.
Limitless A busy poster and fast-paced trailer really do go a long way towards getting the blood racing for Limitless. It helps to have a slick and sexy Bradley Cooper dominating most of the trailer, too (although a little more Abbie Cornish wouldn't have hurt). I'm not sure how someone so super smart as post-pill Bradley allows himself to get tangled up with a seedy DeNiro, but I guess I'll have to watch and find out.
Verdict: Moist With Antici...Pation!
Paul It's a little disappointing this isn't a biopic about Paul Rudd and how much fans awesome sauce him. This is, however, the latest from Pegg & Frost; the fellas behind Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. It also stars Seth Rogen who I've nearly had my fill of in recent months. Still, the supporting cast looks promising, and I'm looking for good laughs, not-so-terrible CGI, and lots of spoofing.
Verdict: Moist With Antici...Pation!
P.S. I actually caught this at a sneak peek earlier this week, and it lived up to my hopes. Yay!
The Lincoln Lawyer All right. All right, all right, all right. I'm drawn to William H. Macy's wookie mop as much as I am the tense atmosphere between McConaughey and Phillippe. It may also be that I'm drawn to seeing a mid-80's Lincoln Town Car onscreen; I used to run my pimp game from one back in the day. Still, some unsurprising twist seems to be lurking around the corner which makes me think I can wait to catch this.
Verdict: It's Friday, I Don't Want to be Alone.
I'm also stoked to see Paul Giamatti's Win Win though who knows when it'll get around to opening here.
Whether it be thanks to basketball or movies, hope everyone has a great weekend!
Monday, March 14, 2011
MMM: Physics and Physicians
Afternoon stargazers. I would have posted sooner, but my morning was gobbled up by a doctor's appointment. Despite myself, I received a nearly clean bill of health (dang allergies). With that behind me, I can concentrate on the week in front of me, which means it's time to pick a mood music.
Today's song selection is from Vienna Teng, an artist I saw in town less than two weeks ago. This was my second time seeing her live; this time accompanied by percussionist Alex Wong. Vienna is a software engineer turned pianist-singer-songwriter studying to be a capitalist pig-tree hugger. More importantly, give her a mic and a piano and she'll crank out some great music. I could go on, but since this post is already late, I'm going to sit down and let the lady sing.
In other concert news, I scored tickets to Neil Young's April concert! Anybody got any concerts they're looking forward to in the coming months?
Friday, March 11, 2011
Trailer Trash: The March 11th Quickie
People, I am pissed! With a nice big 3D kiddie film fiasco opening this weekend, I was all set to see Drive Angry 3D shift over to a smaller, less obnoxious screening area so I could finally enjoy Cage and Fichtner chewing up the screen for ninety minutes without being disgusted by the lame technological gimmickry. So of course I am teed off to find Drive Angry has disappeared from my town completely! Two weeks and it's vanished. I didn't expect it to have an Avatar-sized following, but even Season of the Witch stuck around longer than that. For this indiscretion, I should boycott 2011 movies altogether!
You, however, know me better than that. I will instead attempt to find solace in one of this week's three new releases listed over at IMDb. Let's check them out.
Battle: Los Angeles If Resident Evil, S.W.A.T., and Avatar have taught us anything, it's that Michelle Rodriguez looks hot in uniform. However, I wouldn't make that my main reason to catch this. If it's anything like the trailer lets on, B:LA will be two hours of unbridled carnage and destruction. It'll probably be overkill (no pun intended), but I'm due a good bone-rattling movie.
Verdict: It's Friday, I Don't Want to be Alone.
Red Riding Hood I can't really blame Catherine Hardwicke for the whole Twilight film explosion; if those fans actually cared about the story's quality they'd be cursing her for making such a dazzlingly dull first installment. However, RRH looks visually stunning, even if Oldman's purple pimp-chic outfit seems a bit weird. This weekend, I'll opt to watch to get my wolf fix via BBC America's Being Human.
Verdict: It's Friday, I Don't Want to be Alone.

Verdict: Exercise the Right to Cinematic Celibacy.
Can you believe I've only seen three 2011 releases since January?! It's mind-bottling how sad the offerings have been so far. Maybe I can start making up for my lack of posting soon. Any suggestions?
Monday, March 7, 2011
MMM: Don't Rush Me
Since last week was a flashback to my college years, I decided to reach back even little further this week. In doing so, I'll also be giving a birthday shout out to this week's mood music artist. This particular artist was the bomb diggity back in the day. From right out of the starting gate, she landed in the top ten of the Billboard charts and continued to do so with her next six singles. That's a total of seven, man, seven top ten hits in four years. Not too shabby.
Shortly thereafter, her hold over the Billboard charts slipped, although she continues to top Billboard's Hot Dance Club Songs charts every few years. Currently, she's remastering her Greatest Hits album. Taylor Dane is 49 today. To celebrate, I've decided to play the fourth single from her debut album which became her highest charting single at that time. Enjoy!
Watching her old videos, it's crazy how much Fergie reminds me of Taylor Dane. Considering Fergie covered Taylor's first single, Tell It to My Heart, during her time on Kids Incorporated, we can assume Taylor might have had a little influence over Fergie.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Trailer Trash: The March 4th Quickie
Welcome to the end of another week, stargazers. I hope you don't mind that I've been quiet this week; trying to recuperate from my Confessions and the Oscars. I do regret skipping last week's Trailer Trash because one of my most anticipated films of the new year opened.
But I digress. You're here to get the scoop on this week's new releases. IMDb says we have four major releases which range from comedy to drama for both young and old. But are any worth your dime?

Verdict: It's Friday, I Don't Want to be Alone.

Verdict: Exercise the Right to Cinematic Celibacy.

Verdict: It's Friday, I Don't Want to be Alone.
Take Me Home Tonight I swore this was two thirty-something guys trying to recapture their youthful fervor by crashing a high school party after meeting this hot young blonde. Actually, they're all roughly the same age! What the shit? Who done thunk this was the bestest idea? I guess it could be a spoof on old high school flics, or it could (and will) just kill the success of the entire premise. I do love Anna though, so it will be watched...eventually.
Verdict: It's Friday, I Don't Want to be Alone.
By the looks of things, I'll still be cruising the cheap theaters this weekend. If only, Drive Angry had a 2D showing in my area.