Thursday, August 9, 2012

Trailer Trash: August 10 of 2012

With all the big doings on the home front, I'm not sure if I'll make it to the theater this weekend. A shame really, considering this is the most cinematically excited I've been since the opening weekend of The Dark Knight Rises. Here's what's got me so amped:

The Bourne Legacy  The inevitable success of Jeremy Renner has never been a question in my mind. Ever since the Somnambulist episode of Angel over ten years ago, I knew he was going places. Now look at him; MI:4, The Avengers and The Bourne Legacy all in the last twelve months. That's a lot of big dollar franchises and a lot of entertaining. Legacy marks his first chance to shine as the lone hero, and I for one want to be there to see it.  

Verdict: Moist With Antici...Pation!  

The Campaign  Ted and Dark Shadows were mediocre at best, The Watch and That's My Boy looked absolutely horrible and Seeking a Friend... vanished before it even had a chance.  The Campaign seems to be my last hope for a funny summer movie. I'm confident Zack and Will can muster up a few knee slappers and, at under ninety minutes, it should wrap up before the premise grows tired. Fingers crossed. 

Verdict: Moist With Antici...Pation!  

Maybe I can squeeze both these in, wish me luck!

Large Association of Movie Blogs

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