Wow, it feels like I just did one of these... Oh yeah, it's because I did! This week's Trailer Trash has come early thanks to Turkey Day! Everyone has a busy holiday weekend ahead, why not skip the pleasantries and pluck this bird? According to IMDb, here are the four major releases offered up for holiday consumption:
Burlesque If Christina Aguilera wanted to perform with Cher why not just invite her on that mythical tour her fans keep hearing about? I'd easily shell out money to see Cher and/or Christina in concert in lieu of watching this lame flick. Sorry X-Tina, but not even a burlesque number by Kristen Bell can entice me to see your Glitter-ific acting debut.
Verdict: Exercise the Right to Cinematic Celibacy.
Verdict: It's Friday, I Don't Want to be Alone.

Verdict: Moist With Antici...Pation!
Love and Other Drugs
Hmmm, let's see...
Naked Anne,
Naked Jake,
Verdict: Moist With Antici...Pation!
Here's to much turkey consumption and much more entertainment this weekend, stargazers. Happy Thanksgiving!
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