Welcome to Day 4 of the
Week of Reel WHorror!

If you've been following my Week of Reel WHorror! closely you know that what follows has nothing to do with the hunky Christian Bale or his role as Patrick Bateman in the glorious American Psycho.
I've decided to kill two birds with one stone on Day 4. Because Day 3 was a barrage of one horror review after another, today will be a barrage of images. I promised months back to post my photos from my vacation to the San Diego Comic Con. I'm making good on that promise today. The various toys, celebrities and costumed attendees should give you more than a few ideas for the perfect, last-minute Halloween costume!
Celebrities: If you know what's good for you, follow the Mistress of the Dark to see all the great celebrities I met during the Con.
Toys: Where do they get those wonderful toys? After all, the Con isn't just about all the cool and crazy folks you meet.
Costumes: If you think this bloody Wolverine looks sweet as hell, you haven't seen nothing yet. Every kind of costume, from movies to TV to games and more, was on display by the attendees.
Celebrities, Part II: Alas, not every wish can come true. These are my near brushes with celebrities. If only I had been a little earlier or a little closer...
I've decided to kill two birds with one stone on Day 4. Because Day 3 was a barrage of one horror review after another, today will be a barrage of images. I promised months back to post my photos from my vacation to the San Diego Comic Con. I'm making good on that promise today. The various toys, celebrities and costumed attendees should give you more than a few ideas for the perfect, last-minute Halloween costume!
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